Nearly Christmas. I have a hard time with Christmas, because I know this is not the time that Jesus was born. I know how this date was chosen, so many years ago, by a Roman Emperor, to coincide with a pagan god, Tammuz. I know, from reading Ezekiel Chapter 8, that God was not happy about the women weeping for Tammuz, when the Spirit took Ezekiel to the temple in Jerusalem to show him the abominations that were taking place there.
The Church celebrates Jesus' birth on December 25th, but that is not the day He was born. From research I have done, I have discovered that Jesus is the fulfillment of all the Feasts of the Lord as presented in the Book of Leviticus. When I was doing a word study years ago on the word 'tabernacle' in Hebrew and Greek, Holy Spirit dropped these words into my mind and heart: "And the Word was made flesh and dwelt (tabernacled) among us." I knew then that Jesus was born in the fall, during the Feast of Tabernacles. Now, many years later, I have discovered that Messianic Jewish believers also believe that Yeshua (Jesus) was born during the Feast of Tabernacles.
Usually, when I mention the feasts to my Christian friends, they respond with, "You mean the Jewish feasts?" Yes, God gave the feasts to His Jewish people, but He calls them His Feasts - the Feasts of the Lord. As believers, they are our Feasts too. However, the Church has become so far removed from her Jewish roots through the teaching of Replacement Theology and Dual Covenant Theology that she no longer obtains nourishment from those roots.
Today, Christmas has become a worldly holiday. North Americans love their Christmas celebrations! It has become the greatest retail season of the year! Ka-ching ka-ching!! Cash registers raking it in, people standing in long lines to buy the latest gadgets and brightest glitz, fighting the crowds. If 'Christmas' was truly a 'Christian' celebration, would the world be so intent on celebrating it? I think not!
Christmas trees - pagan in origin; Santa Claus - a lie we propagate to our children. All the lights, the parties, the glitz and glamour, the shopping frenzy .... the drinking, the accidents .... most people who celebrate Christmas are certainly not celebrating Jesus' birth! Why does the Church turn a deaf ear on history? Most people don't even think about the history of it. They celebrate it "because we've always done it this way!" That reminds me of the story of the woman who always cut the ends off her roast before putting it in the pan. When asked why, she said her mother had always done it that way. When she asked her mother about it, her mother told her that usually the roast was too big for the pan, so she had to cut some off so that it would fit!
Yes, Christmas is often a wonderful family time. But so could it be if we forsook our 'traditions' and celebrated Jesus' birth during the time it actually took place - during the Feast of Tabernacles, in the fall. Make it a true celebration of Jesus' birth!
Call me a 'grinch' if you like, but I really don't like 'Christmas'.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
A Long and Winding Road
The title above indicates that I have not always been the person I am becoming. There were many hard lessons I had to learn in my quest. However, if that's what it took to get me to where I am today, it was worth it.
To begin with, I have always believed in God, even though I did not always follow Him. I was brought up in the Catholic Church, and even as a child I was full of questions. When I was four years old, sitting beside Mom in church on Sundays, when I saw people going to the front for Communion, in my child's mind I thought they were going to 'get a piece of God', and I wanted to go and get a 'piece of God' as well. However, I was told I was too young, and could not do so.
When I was five, I was allowed to go and sit in the front pew with the other little girls, and - you guessed it - I went up to 'get a piece of God'. Well! The ruckus that caused! I was told I was a bad girl because I had not made my 'First Holy Communion', and promptly was put in the kindergarten class with the 6-year-olds to prepare for that event.
Kindergarten had a lasting impression on me because of a story a nun told us one Sunday. The story was about some martyrs who would not deny their faith and were killed by having their tongues nailed to a table. That horrified and frightened me, and I just knew I could never love God enough to ever let anyone do that to me! So of course, I felt guilty.
Guilt is a terrible emotion. It eats away at you from the inside. I didn't know how to make it go away. I went to confession every week, and did my 'penance' of whatever prayers the priest told me to say .... but my guilt remained. Sometimes I put pebbles in my shoes to show God that I really did love Him. I would look up at the huge crucifix at the front of the church, seeing Jesus hanging on the cross with drops of blood across His brow, at His side, and His hands and His feet ...... and I knew my sins put Him there, but I didn't know what to do about it. I could find no answers.
Eventually I left the Church, having become very disillusioned. I figured if the 'truth' I was searching for wasn't in the church, then maybe it was in the world. I searched for truth, reading psychology and philosophy books, and New Age stuff .... and each time ended up with the proverbial 'sand in my mouth'.
I had begun drinking at university, and discovered that when I drank I didn't know when to stop. I had blackouts from the first. But it took me a lot of years to realize and admit that I was alcoholic. I was married with three kids, divorced and remarried before I finally found sobriety in AA. Thank God for AA!
And thank God for my sponsor! She was wonderful. The first thing she told me was to ask God for help in the morning, and to thank Him at night. This I did. I began having a 'quiet time' in the morning before going to work - a time with God. I read spiritual books.
I began to ask God to show me His truth. I told Him I didn't want a church's truth, I wanted His truth. After about a year of asking Him for His truth, Jesus spoke out loud to me, and said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me," and, not as loud or clear, He said something about "the Father draw Him."
I did have a Bible by this time, and I took it from the shelf, held it in my hand, and said, "If You want me to read those words, You'll have to show me where they are, because I don't have a clue where to look." Then I let the Bible fall open, and my eyes landed on the first words Jesus had spoken. I flipped some pages once with my finger, several pages moved, and my eyes landed on the words, "No one can come to Me unless the Father draws Him." I was overwhelmed! That Jesus would speak out loud to me! I was such a sinner!
That was close to thirty years ago. Believe me, it changed my life! That is not to say I immediately changed. For me, it took time. A friend had told me that when I read the Bible, to ask the Holy Spirit to show me His truth, and that I did. I studied the Bible for several years, and every time that I watched Billy Graham on TV and he gave an altar call, I would ask Jesus to be my Lord and Savior.
Finally, I was ready to be baptized. I went to a Baptist church a few times, and finally spoke to the pastor and told him I wanted to be baptized. He and his wife came over to my apartment one evening, and after some discussion, he agreed to baptize me. We set a date.
The big morning arrived, and the pastor's wife phoned and told me I might want to reschedule my baptism, because the hot water heater had quit working overnight, and there was no hot water. But I told her I didn't want to reschedule, I wanted to be baptized.
Let me tell you, that water was COLD! But I was baptized!
Since that day my life has changed dramatically. Somehow I began to change 'from the inside out'. It wasn't so much that I was making conscious decisions to change, but rather that Holy Spirit was changing me.
Today, twenty-some years later, I'm a different person than I used to be! Glory to God! It's all about Him, Father, Son Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Three aspects or Persons in one God. He changed me, and continues to change me! Oh, how He loves us! He loves us enough to change us and move us out of our misery and striving to a place of peace and joy.
Yes, it has been a long and winding road .... but what a ride! The excitement continues!
To begin with, I have always believed in God, even though I did not always follow Him. I was brought up in the Catholic Church, and even as a child I was full of questions. When I was four years old, sitting beside Mom in church on Sundays, when I saw people going to the front for Communion, in my child's mind I thought they were going to 'get a piece of God', and I wanted to go and get a 'piece of God' as well. However, I was told I was too young, and could not do so.
When I was five, I was allowed to go and sit in the front pew with the other little girls, and - you guessed it - I went up to 'get a piece of God'. Well! The ruckus that caused! I was told I was a bad girl because I had not made my 'First Holy Communion', and promptly was put in the kindergarten class with the 6-year-olds to prepare for that event.
Kindergarten had a lasting impression on me because of a story a nun told us one Sunday. The story was about some martyrs who would not deny their faith and were killed by having their tongues nailed to a table. That horrified and frightened me, and I just knew I could never love God enough to ever let anyone do that to me! So of course, I felt guilty.
Guilt is a terrible emotion. It eats away at you from the inside. I didn't know how to make it go away. I went to confession every week, and did my 'penance' of whatever prayers the priest told me to say .... but my guilt remained. Sometimes I put pebbles in my shoes to show God that I really did love Him. I would look up at the huge crucifix at the front of the church, seeing Jesus hanging on the cross with drops of blood across His brow, at His side, and His hands and His feet ...... and I knew my sins put Him there, but I didn't know what to do about it. I could find no answers.
Eventually I left the Church, having become very disillusioned. I figured if the 'truth' I was searching for wasn't in the church, then maybe it was in the world. I searched for truth, reading psychology and philosophy books, and New Age stuff .... and each time ended up with the proverbial 'sand in my mouth'.
I had begun drinking at university, and discovered that when I drank I didn't know when to stop. I had blackouts from the first. But it took me a lot of years to realize and admit that I was alcoholic. I was married with three kids, divorced and remarried before I finally found sobriety in AA. Thank God for AA!
And thank God for my sponsor! She was wonderful. The first thing she told me was to ask God for help in the morning, and to thank Him at night. This I did. I began having a 'quiet time' in the morning before going to work - a time with God. I read spiritual books.
I began to ask God to show me His truth. I told Him I didn't want a church's truth, I wanted His truth. After about a year of asking Him for His truth, Jesus spoke out loud to me, and said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me," and, not as loud or clear, He said something about "the Father draw Him."
I did have a Bible by this time, and I took it from the shelf, held it in my hand, and said, "If You want me to read those words, You'll have to show me where they are, because I don't have a clue where to look." Then I let the Bible fall open, and my eyes landed on the first words Jesus had spoken. I flipped some pages once with my finger, several pages moved, and my eyes landed on the words, "No one can come to Me unless the Father draws Him." I was overwhelmed! That Jesus would speak out loud to me! I was such a sinner!
That was close to thirty years ago. Believe me, it changed my life! That is not to say I immediately changed. For me, it took time. A friend had told me that when I read the Bible, to ask the Holy Spirit to show me His truth, and that I did. I studied the Bible for several years, and every time that I watched Billy Graham on TV and he gave an altar call, I would ask Jesus to be my Lord and Savior.
Finally, I was ready to be baptized. I went to a Baptist church a few times, and finally spoke to the pastor and told him I wanted to be baptized. He and his wife came over to my apartment one evening, and after some discussion, he agreed to baptize me. We set a date.
The big morning arrived, and the pastor's wife phoned and told me I might want to reschedule my baptism, because the hot water heater had quit working overnight, and there was no hot water. But I told her I didn't want to reschedule, I wanted to be baptized.
Let me tell you, that water was COLD! But I was baptized!
Since that day my life has changed dramatically. Somehow I began to change 'from the inside out'. It wasn't so much that I was making conscious decisions to change, but rather that Holy Spirit was changing me.
Today, twenty-some years later, I'm a different person than I used to be! Glory to God! It's all about Him, Father, Son Jesus, and Holy Spirit. Three aspects or Persons in one God. He changed me, and continues to change me! Oh, how He loves us! He loves us enough to change us and move us out of our misery and striving to a place of peace and joy.
Yes, it has been a long and winding road .... but what a ride! The excitement continues!
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Procrastination - the 'art' of putting off today that which can wait until tomorrow. That's my definition, and unfortunately, I'm very good at it. Sometimes things get put off indefinitely, in which case it either doesn't get done at all, or else I'm scrambling at the last minute to get it done!
I can sometimes come up with a lame-sounding excuse for not just doing a task: I don't feel motivated at the moment; I'm tired; I don't feel creative ..... the list could probably go on. However, in all honesty I have to admit it comes down to laziness, which is not a characteristic I'm at all proud of!
I have been procrastinating about blogging, simply because I don't know what I should write about most of the time. How personal should I get? Most of the things I am passionate about revolve around God's truth, especially with regard to Israel and the Church, and I confess I become frustrated when Christians look at me like I've gone off my rocker when I mention the Feasts or our Jewish roots, thanks to centuries of Replacement Theology, as well as Dual Covenant Theology.
My desk area needs an overhaul, and I've also been procrastinating about that. Papers and books, slips of paper with 'notes to myself' ..... It would be wonderful to be highly organized at all times, but I'm ... NOT, unfortunately! It would be wonderful to have a nice-sized office with enough shelves and filing cabinets for all my books and papers. However, that isn't going to happen. Instead, my 'office' is part of my bedroom, and I'm a big fan of books, which overflow my bookshelves. I do have a filing cabinet, in which I do file my paid bills ..... but I also have all these little 'notes to myself' and interesting quotes I jot down on a slip of paper, to be added to my book of quotes at some point in the future, as well as sticky notes regarding upcoming appointments or someone's phone number stuck to the hutch of my desk. How did I ever get a book written? It boggles my mind!
I've been procrastinating all day about a card I was asked to make for a friend. I made one a few days ago which turned out very well - in fact, I really liked it. Maybe I'm just not feeling 'creative' today ....waiting till my 'creative juices' get flowing again .... or maybe I'm just procrastinating...... after all it doesn't have to be done until Tuesday! I still have tomorrow!
I really admire people who can see what needs to be done, roll up their sleeves and jump right in! Most of the time. At other times all that energy I see just makes me tired, and I think, "Chill out; take a break."
And at other times still .... I wish I had that energy and motivation I see in others.
Maybe tomorrow .......
I can sometimes come up with a lame-sounding excuse for not just doing a task: I don't feel motivated at the moment; I'm tired; I don't feel creative ..... the list could probably go on. However, in all honesty I have to admit it comes down to laziness, which is not a characteristic I'm at all proud of!
I have been procrastinating about blogging, simply because I don't know what I should write about most of the time. How personal should I get? Most of the things I am passionate about revolve around God's truth, especially with regard to Israel and the Church, and I confess I become frustrated when Christians look at me like I've gone off my rocker when I mention the Feasts or our Jewish roots, thanks to centuries of Replacement Theology, as well as Dual Covenant Theology.
My desk area needs an overhaul, and I've also been procrastinating about that. Papers and books, slips of paper with 'notes to myself' ..... It would be wonderful to be highly organized at all times, but I'm ... NOT, unfortunately! It would be wonderful to have a nice-sized office with enough shelves and filing cabinets for all my books and papers. However, that isn't going to happen. Instead, my 'office' is part of my bedroom, and I'm a big fan of books, which overflow my bookshelves. I do have a filing cabinet, in which I do file my paid bills ..... but I also have all these little 'notes to myself' and interesting quotes I jot down on a slip of paper, to be added to my book of quotes at some point in the future, as well as sticky notes regarding upcoming appointments or someone's phone number stuck to the hutch of my desk. How did I ever get a book written? It boggles my mind!
I've been procrastinating all day about a card I was asked to make for a friend. I made one a few days ago which turned out very well - in fact, I really liked it. Maybe I'm just not feeling 'creative' today ....waiting till my 'creative juices' get flowing again .... or maybe I'm just procrastinating...... after all it doesn't have to be done until Tuesday! I still have tomorrow!
I really admire people who can see what needs to be done, roll up their sleeves and jump right in! Most of the time. At other times all that energy I see just makes me tired, and I think, "Chill out; take a break."
And at other times still .... I wish I had that energy and motivation I see in others.
Maybe tomorrow .......
Sunday, October 23, 2011
The Feast of Tabernacles - A Wonderful Celebration!
This week concluded the eight-day Feast of Tabernacles, or Sukkot celebrations. Seldom recognized in the Christian community is the celebration of the Lord's feasts, which is unfortunate, because they contain so much meaning for us. In fact, generally when I mention them to fellow Christians, they ask, "You mean the Jewish feasts?" However, they are not 'Jewish' feasts, although Jewish people observe them. In Leviticus 23:2 they are referred to as 'the feasts of the LORD' and 'My feasts'.
John's Gospel tells us, in chapter 7:37-38: On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." But He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.
Why would He say this on 'the last day of the feast'? During this feast, the priests brought water from the pool of Siloam in a golden pitcher, which was symbolic of the water that came out of the rock in Exodus 17. The people would follow joyfully in procession, reciting Isaiah 12:3: Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. Jesus' Hebrew name is Yahshua, which means "God saves". In more recent times His name has been shortened to 'Yeshua'. Consequently Jesus was giving the people and the priests a great hint of Who He was, for He is our salvation.
The Feast of Tabernacles in the Old Covenant celebrated the peoples' learning period of wandering in the desert for forty years, when they lived in 'sukkas' or tents or booths. Several years ago as I was doing a study on these words, both in Hebrew and Greek, I experienced an 'aha' moment, when God spoke to my heart the words, "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." From that moment I have believed that it was during this Feast of Tabernacles that Jesus was born. I already knew that He wasn't born on December 25th, for years prior I had discovered the paganism that had been brought into the Church through the Emperor Constantine. Many others, both Messianic Jews and Gentiles, also believe that Jesus was born during the Feast of Tabernacles.
It is a great celebration, lasting eight days. People in Israel and warmer climates build a sukkah or booth in their yard or on their patio, often sleeping and having their meals in it. In cooler climates they often just have their meals in it. It is a time of rejoicing!
Today in Messianic congregations it is a great time of celebrating what Yeshua has done for us - taking our sins upon Himself (at Passover) when He shed His blood for us - 'and without shedding of blood there is no remisson' (Hebrews 9:22) of sin. It also speaks to us of Holy Spirit, Whom Jesus was referring to earlier when He said, "Come to Me and drink", for after Jesus was resurrected and ascended to heaven, He sent Holy Spirit to earth on Pentecost.
If you have an opportunity to join in with a Messianic congregation, which consist of Jews who believe that Jesus is their Messiah, as well as Christians who want to connect to the Jewish roots of the bible, in the celebration of their feasts, I encourage you to do so!
John's Gospel tells us, in chapter 7:37-38: On the last day, that great day of the feast, Jesus stood and cried out, saying, "If anyone thirsts, let him come to Me and drink. He who believes in Me, as the Scripture has said, out of his heart will flow rivers of living water." But He spoke concerning the Spirit, whom those believing in Him would receive; for the Holy Spirit was not yet given, because Jesus was not yet glorified.
Why would He say this on 'the last day of the feast'? During this feast, the priests brought water from the pool of Siloam in a golden pitcher, which was symbolic of the water that came out of the rock in Exodus 17. The people would follow joyfully in procession, reciting Isaiah 12:3: Therefore with joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. Jesus' Hebrew name is Yahshua, which means "God saves". In more recent times His name has been shortened to 'Yeshua'. Consequently Jesus was giving the people and the priests a great hint of Who He was, for He is our salvation.
The Feast of Tabernacles in the Old Covenant celebrated the peoples' learning period of wandering in the desert for forty years, when they lived in 'sukkas' or tents or booths. Several years ago as I was doing a study on these words, both in Hebrew and Greek, I experienced an 'aha' moment, when God spoke to my heart the words, "And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us." From that moment I have believed that it was during this Feast of Tabernacles that Jesus was born. I already knew that He wasn't born on December 25th, for years prior I had discovered the paganism that had been brought into the Church through the Emperor Constantine. Many others, both Messianic Jews and Gentiles, also believe that Jesus was born during the Feast of Tabernacles.
It is a great celebration, lasting eight days. People in Israel and warmer climates build a sukkah or booth in their yard or on their patio, often sleeping and having their meals in it. In cooler climates they often just have their meals in it. It is a time of rejoicing!
Today in Messianic congregations it is a great time of celebrating what Yeshua has done for us - taking our sins upon Himself (at Passover) when He shed His blood for us - 'and without shedding of blood there is no remisson' (Hebrews 9:22) of sin. It also speaks to us of Holy Spirit, Whom Jesus was referring to earlier when He said, "Come to Me and drink", for after Jesus was resurrected and ascended to heaven, He sent Holy Spirit to earth on Pentecost.
If you have an opportunity to join in with a Messianic congregation, which consist of Jews who believe that Jesus is their Messiah, as well as Christians who want to connect to the Jewish roots of the bible, in the celebration of their feasts, I encourage you to do so!
Thursday, October 13, 2011
I can get so caught up in the 'busyness' of life that sometimes I overlook the important things, or grant them, as it has been said, "a lick and a promise." I really dislike being 'on the run', but sometimes life happens!
Most of the time, when I'm home with nothing overwhelming happening, and not having to rush to anything, I love to begin my day with my journal, a devotion, and my Bible. That is my time alone with my Lord, where I praise Him and thank Him for all He has done in my life, and tell Him what is currently going on, seeking His guidance and direction. I love these times together with Him. I share my concerns, what is happening in my own life, as well as in the lives of family members or friends. I pray for them, asking my heavenly Father what I, perhaps, can do in a given situation. Sometimes I receive clear guidance in the form of a thought; other times I don't.
Life, however, at times can get extremely busy, or I'm away from home and don't have the privacy I need to pour out my heart to God in my journal, or spend the time I would like to in the Bible. At such times I become depleted of God's input into my life, and I run on my own steam, tiring quickly. These are the times I am not depending on Holy Spirit's wisdom or power, but my own, and I sometimes say things I shouldn't say.
How I need to depend on that wonderful boost from the Holy Spirit! How I need that awesome communion with God at the beginning of my day!
It wasn't always that way. In the years before I knew my loving Savior, I just 'did my own thing', not giving a thought to others. I was terribly selfish, and also terribly lost. But that was another story!
Having just spent about three weeks of the last month away from home, attending seminars and conferences which were excellent, I might add, and extremely helpful both personally and spiritually, it was so wonderful to get back home, into my regular routine, and having the privacy to spend my 'alone' time with my heavenly Father in the morning. Aaahh! Rejuvenation!
Most of the time, when I'm home with nothing overwhelming happening, and not having to rush to anything, I love to begin my day with my journal, a devotion, and my Bible. That is my time alone with my Lord, where I praise Him and thank Him for all He has done in my life, and tell Him what is currently going on, seeking His guidance and direction. I love these times together with Him. I share my concerns, what is happening in my own life, as well as in the lives of family members or friends. I pray for them, asking my heavenly Father what I, perhaps, can do in a given situation. Sometimes I receive clear guidance in the form of a thought; other times I don't.
Life, however, at times can get extremely busy, or I'm away from home and don't have the privacy I need to pour out my heart to God in my journal, or spend the time I would like to in the Bible. At such times I become depleted of God's input into my life, and I run on my own steam, tiring quickly. These are the times I am not depending on Holy Spirit's wisdom or power, but my own, and I sometimes say things I shouldn't say.
How I need to depend on that wonderful boost from the Holy Spirit! How I need that awesome communion with God at the beginning of my day!
It wasn't always that way. In the years before I knew my loving Savior, I just 'did my own thing', not giving a thought to others. I was terribly selfish, and also terribly lost. But that was another story!
Having just spent about three weeks of the last month away from home, attending seminars and conferences which were excellent, I might add, and extremely helpful both personally and spiritually, it was so wonderful to get back home, into my regular routine, and having the privacy to spend my 'alone' time with my heavenly Father in the morning. Aaahh! Rejuvenation!
Sunday, June 5, 2011
In Matthew 24 where Jesus speaks about the signs of the times at the end of the age, He says in verse 11: "Then many false prophets will arise and deceive many." A recent 'prophecy' of the impending rapture of the church on a given day in May is stark evidence of this - it didn't happen! This man said that his calculations were 'off', and now has mentioned another date for this fall. Why should we believe him this time? He has already proven himself false. He is, unfortunately, deluded.
This, however, is not the only deception in today's church. The so-called 'Emergent' Church is another deception, for it combines elements of New Age philosophy with ancient mystical 'contemplative prayer', as well as chants, candles, drums and other paraphernalia. Not only that, it preaches another 'Christ' that is certainly NOT the Son of the Living God! Matthew's gospel tells us in verses 23-24 of the same chapter:
Then if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or 'There!' do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
It was recently brought to my attention that the paraphrase of the Bible called 'The Message' offers some glaring insertions as well as omissions. I had bought a copy when it first came out, and read a little bit of it. Frankly, however, I didn't like the almost irreverent tone of it. Consequently, it has been relegated to a seldom-used storage area.
When I began to look up several verses and compared them to the New King James version, I was astounded. Not only does it refer to God as the 'God of green hope', suggesting a reverence for the earth; in other verses it omits any reference at all to homosexuality as sin.
Romans 15:13 in The Message states: "Oh, may the God of green hope fill you up with joy, fill you up with peace, so that your believing lives, filled with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with hope!"
Romans 15:13 in the NKJV reads: "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Unfortunately, this article which I received via email contained no author name. But considering the fact that the Message paraphrase has become very popular in some circles, it concerns me as to what people - and particularly young people - are being taught.
In today's world of open homosexuality and gay marriages, the inference that it is 'OK' according to God's word should be cause for alarm. Let's take a look at a couple more verses in The Message and compare them to other translations.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 in The Message: "Don't you realize that this is not the way to live? Unjust people who don't care about God will not be joining in his kingdom. Those who use and abuse each other, use and abuse sex, use and abuse the earth and everything in it, don't qualify as citizens in God's kingdom. A number of you know from experience what I'm talking about, for not so long ago you were on that list. Since then, you've been cleaned up and given a fresh start by Jesus, our Master, our Messiah, and by our God present in us, the Spirit.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 in NKJV: Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
In comparing these verses, the Message uses a very general "those who use and abuse sex" in contrast with specifically mentioning "nor homosexuals, nor sodomites" in the NKJV.
To be fair, let's take a look at the words used in other versions:
NIV - "Neither the sexually immoral nor idolators nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders ......"
AMP - "Do not be deceived (misled); neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, noradulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality ...."
Good News - "Do not fool yourselves. People who are immoral or who worship idols or are adulterers or homosexual perverts ...."
RSV - "Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals ...."
We can see from the specificity of the other translations that God wanted no confusion in this regard. The Message's generality of those who 'use and abuse sex' is essentially meaningless; it also inserts "those who use and abuse the earth and everything in it."
Deuteronomy 4:2 gives us a clear warning: You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God.
Deception abounds, not only in our general populations, but in our churches! Be aware, people of God! Take heed, lest you be deceived. Know what God's word says. Meditate on it.
This, however, is not the only deception in today's church. The so-called 'Emergent' Church is another deception, for it combines elements of New Age philosophy with ancient mystical 'contemplative prayer', as well as chants, candles, drums and other paraphernalia. Not only that, it preaches another 'Christ' that is certainly NOT the Son of the Living God! Matthew's gospel tells us in verses 23-24 of the same chapter:
Then if anyone says to you, 'Look, here is the Christ!' or 'There!' do not believe it. For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.
It was recently brought to my attention that the paraphrase of the Bible called 'The Message' offers some glaring insertions as well as omissions. I had bought a copy when it first came out, and read a little bit of it. Frankly, however, I didn't like the almost irreverent tone of it. Consequently, it has been relegated to a seldom-used storage area.
When I began to look up several verses and compared them to the New King James version, I was astounded. Not only does it refer to God as the 'God of green hope', suggesting a reverence for the earth; in other verses it omits any reference at all to homosexuality as sin.
Romans 15:13 in The Message states: "Oh, may the God of green hope fill you up with joy, fill you up with peace, so that your believing lives, filled with the life-giving energy of the Holy Spirit, will brim over with hope!"
Romans 15:13 in the NKJV reads: "Now may the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Unfortunately, this article which I received via email contained no author name. But considering the fact that the Message paraphrase has become very popular in some circles, it concerns me as to what people - and particularly young people - are being taught.
In today's world of open homosexuality and gay marriages, the inference that it is 'OK' according to God's word should be cause for alarm. Let's take a look at a couple more verses in The Message and compare them to other translations.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 in The Message: "Don't you realize that this is not the way to live? Unjust people who don't care about God will not be joining in his kingdom. Those who use and abuse each other, use and abuse sex, use and abuse the earth and everything in it, don't qualify as citizens in God's kingdom. A number of you know from experience what I'm talking about, for not so long ago you were on that list. Since then, you've been cleaned up and given a fresh start by Jesus, our Master, our Messiah, and by our God present in us, the Spirit.
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 in NKJV: Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolators, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God.
In comparing these verses, the Message uses a very general "those who use and abuse sex" in contrast with specifically mentioning "nor homosexuals, nor sodomites" in the NKJV.
To be fair, let's take a look at the words used in other versions:
NIV - "Neither the sexually immoral nor idolators nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders ......"
AMP - "Do not be deceived (misled); neither the impure and immoral, nor idolaters, noradulterers, nor those who participate in homosexuality ...."
Good News - "Do not fool yourselves. People who are immoral or who worship idols or are adulterers or homosexual perverts ...."
RSV - "Do not be deceived; neither the immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals ...."
We can see from the specificity of the other translations that God wanted no confusion in this regard. The Message's generality of those who 'use and abuse sex' is essentially meaningless; it also inserts "those who use and abuse the earth and everything in it."
Deuteronomy 4:2 gives us a clear warning: You shall not add to the word which I command you, nor take from it, that you may keep the commandments of the LORD your God.
Deception abounds, not only in our general populations, but in our churches! Be aware, people of God! Take heed, lest you be deceived. Know what God's word says. Meditate on it.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
The 'Unhappening' of May 21, 2011.
Yesterday was hailed by an extremely misguided soul as the date of the Rapture of 'true believers'. The word 'rapture' isn't in the Bible, but it is understood as the term used when Jesus returns in the air, and believers who have died as well as those living will 'meet Him in the air' according to 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. However, the Bible also states that no one knows the day or the hour when this will take place. In Matt. 24:36 Jesus says: "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only."
To my way of thinking, setting dates and advertising it to the world merely provides unbelievers with fodder to 'prove' that Christianity is foolishness, which is very sad. There are so many misguided souls in the world who don't believe that Jesus IS the Son of God, who would rather believe the lie of evolution than believe in the Creator of all things. There are also those who believe that 'we are all gods' .... and that too is a lie of the enemy of our souls. God is real; satan is real. And this enemy of our souls likes nothing better than when people believe his lies.
One thing I do know: Jesus changed me. I was a hopeless drunk, extremely unhappy, wanting to 'cease to exist'. I cried out to God to help me, and Jesus spoke out loud to me, saying, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me." I believed Him, and He began working in me and in my life, changing me. I have now been sober for over 31years; not only sober, but at peace. I am a different person than I used to be. Thanks be to God.
To my way of thinking, setting dates and advertising it to the world merely provides unbelievers with fodder to 'prove' that Christianity is foolishness, which is very sad. There are so many misguided souls in the world who don't believe that Jesus IS the Son of God, who would rather believe the lie of evolution than believe in the Creator of all things. There are also those who believe that 'we are all gods' .... and that too is a lie of the enemy of our souls. God is real; satan is real. And this enemy of our souls likes nothing better than when people believe his lies.
One thing I do know: Jesus changed me. I was a hopeless drunk, extremely unhappy, wanting to 'cease to exist'. I cried out to God to help me, and Jesus spoke out loud to me, saying, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father but by Me." I believed Him, and He began working in me and in my life, changing me. I have now been sober for over 31years; not only sober, but at peace. I am a different person than I used to be. Thanks be to God.
Monday, May 16, 2011
Israel's 63rd Anniversary
I was a young child of not quite five in 1948 when Israel became a country, but I remember it and was overjoyed. The likely reason for that was because I had been told about the Holocaust, and about how millions of Jewish people had been killed during the Second World War. That broke this little girl's heart.
My Dad had served in the Canadian army during the war, but because of his German heritage, he served in Canada as an interpreter. When I discovered the Germans were the ones who had caused the slaughter of the Jewish people, I was ashamed of my German heritage, and thereafter, whenever I was asked my nationality (which seemed to be a common thing in those days) I would answer "Canadian".
Yesterday Israel celebrated its 63rd birthday in this day and age, but I know from God's word that Israel is an ancient land, the land to which the patriarch Abraham was called by God Himself. Today Israel consists of just a portion of the land that God gave to Abraham on the day He made a covenant with him and said, "To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates" (Gen. 15:18).
Today, in spite of Israel occupying only a small portion of the land God gave to Abraham, and in spite of the Arabs occupying the rest of the Middle East, it is apparent that they want it all, including the tiny strip which today is called Israel. Consequently Israel has had to fight for her life again and again, through a series of wars, roadside bombings, and missile bombardments.
With the threat of a 'Third Intifada' on the day of Israel's 63rd anniversary, a call had gone out to fast and pray for Israel. Many believers heeded that call, Jew and Gentile, and God heard our prayers, because the 'intifada' resulted in far fewer deaths and casualties than could have taken place. Praise be to God! He is so faithful to hear and answer the cries of our hearts!
However, this does not mean we should cease praying! God's word tells us to "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem" (Psalm 122:6). This city of God is a hotbed of clashes and violence, a city divided, where the Temple Mount is in the hands of the Arabs, not the Jews. Indeed, we need to continue to 'pray for the peace of Jerusalem'!
My Dad had served in the Canadian army during the war, but because of his German heritage, he served in Canada as an interpreter. When I discovered the Germans were the ones who had caused the slaughter of the Jewish people, I was ashamed of my German heritage, and thereafter, whenever I was asked my nationality (which seemed to be a common thing in those days) I would answer "Canadian".
Yesterday Israel celebrated its 63rd birthday in this day and age, but I know from God's word that Israel is an ancient land, the land to which the patriarch Abraham was called by God Himself. Today Israel consists of just a portion of the land that God gave to Abraham on the day He made a covenant with him and said, "To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates" (Gen. 15:18).
Today, in spite of Israel occupying only a small portion of the land God gave to Abraham, and in spite of the Arabs occupying the rest of the Middle East, it is apparent that they want it all, including the tiny strip which today is called Israel. Consequently Israel has had to fight for her life again and again, through a series of wars, roadside bombings, and missile bombardments.
With the threat of a 'Third Intifada' on the day of Israel's 63rd anniversary, a call had gone out to fast and pray for Israel. Many believers heeded that call, Jew and Gentile, and God heard our prayers, because the 'intifada' resulted in far fewer deaths and casualties than could have taken place. Praise be to God! He is so faithful to hear and answer the cries of our hearts!
However, this does not mean we should cease praying! God's word tells us to "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem" (Psalm 122:6). This city of God is a hotbed of clashes and violence, a city divided, where the Temple Mount is in the hands of the Arabs, not the Jews. Indeed, we need to continue to 'pray for the peace of Jerusalem'!
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