I've been giving some thought recently about Canada's calling. By that I mean with regard to the well-known prophesy that Canada is to be a 'healing for the nations.' I can't help but wonder how we can be a healing for the nations when our own country is in dire need of healing.
Since we now have 'digital TV' I have been watching a fair bit of the Sun News Network, which offers real news, without the spin that the mainstream media dishes out. I particularly enjoy the hour that Ezra Levant has every evening. That program is called 'The Source'.
I first became aware of Ezra when he was the editor of a magazine - I think out of Edmonton. Unfortunately, I forget the name of the magazine, but my brother-in-law had several issues which I read. Ezra had the 'chutzpa' to publish the infamous Danish cartoons! And he still has 'chutzpa' today.
Last week he brought an issue to his viewers' attention which floored me. That issue is Canada's 'Indian Act', which is still in place.
He explained how the US used to have repressive laws against the slaves, in which these people were mere 'chattels' of the rich, deemed 'property'. Those laws were repealed after many years, and after many of these slaves traveled the 'underground railroad' and found freedom in Canada. Today people of all races have the same freedoms in the US.
Ezra also mentioned how the Apartheid Laws in South Africa were abolished.
However, here in Canada we still have the Indian Act, which decrees that native Indians in Canada cannot own property. They cannot, for example, grow a crop - whether vegetables or wheat or barley, or have livestock, or chickens - and sell it off the 'reserve' to make a 'living'. They cannot 'own' anything! The Indian Act has essentially taken away any initiative from them, and kept them as 'children', dependent on the government. They cannot even own their own houses! What a travesty!
If that wasn't bad enough, years ago they also ripped the children from the loving arms of their parents and sent them to 'Indian Residential Schools' to - what? - 'learn the white man's ways'? These children were not allowed to speak their own native language, but had to learn to speak English. They had no contact, essentially, with their families. As if that wasn't bad enough, many of these children were physically and sexually abused! What a blight on our beloved Canada! We - Canada - wrecked hundreds - thousands - of lives!
Thankfully, those residential schools are a thing of the past. However, the repercussions are still felt by those families, generations of them. Alcoholism and drug abuse abound.
Yes, Prime Minister Harper made a statement after he became our Prime Minister, apologizing to these people for what Canada had done to them. That is wonderful - and a long time coming! But it certainly is NOT enough!
We need to give them a LIFE! Give them a 'raison d'etre' - a reason for living! Give them a chance to make a life for themselves! Let them enjoy ownership of their homes, sell their products that they could produce.
Bottom line - an apology is NOT enough! Scrap the archaic Indian Act, and allow these soft-spoken people to have a reason to hold their heads high, and make a living they can enjoy! Give them their FREEDOM!
To return to the thought of my first paragraph: I can't see how Canada can fulfill the destiny God has for us - to be a healing for the nations - until there is healing within our own borders with regard to these precious First Nation Peoples.
Scrap the Indian Act!!
As we see in the news every day, the world is on a collision course. The 'End Times' are essentially on our doorstep! Are we ready? I don't think so!
I think if Canada is to fulfill her destiny of being a 'healing for the nations' we'd better get busy and do some major house-cleaning first! The verse that has been heavy on my heart for months is 2 Chronicles 7:14 -
"If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land."
Our land definitely is in need of healing!