Sunday, May 22, 2011

The 'Unhappening' of May 21, 2011.

Yesterday was hailed by an extremely misguided soul as the date of the Rapture of 'true believers'.  The word 'rapture' isn't in the Bible, but it is understood as the term used when Jesus returns in the air, and believers who have died as well as those living will 'meet Him in the air' according to 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.  However, the Bible also states that no one knows the day or the hour when this will take place.  In Matt. 24:36 Jesus says:  "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only."

To my way of thinking, setting dates and advertising it to the world merely provides unbelievers with fodder to 'prove' that Christianity is foolishness, which is very sad.  There are so many misguided souls in the world who don't believe that Jesus IS the Son of God, who would rather believe the lie of evolution than believe in the Creator of all things.  There are also those who believe that 'we are all gods' .... and that too is a lie of the enemy of our souls.  God is real;  satan is real.  And this enemy of our souls likes nothing better than when people believe his lies.

One thing I do know:  Jesus changed me.  I was a hopeless drunk, extremely unhappy, wanting to 'cease to exist'.  I cried out to God to help me, and Jesus spoke out loud to me, saying, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father but by Me."  I believed Him, and He began working in me and in my life, changing me.  I have now been sober for over 31years; not only sober, but at peace.  I am a different person than I used to be.  Thanks be to God.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Israel's 63rd Anniversary

I was a young child of not quite five in 1948 when Israel became a country, but I remember it and was overjoyed.  The likely reason for that was because I had been told about the Holocaust, and about how millions of Jewish people had been killed during the Second World War.  That broke this little girl's heart.

My Dad had served in the Canadian army during the war, but because of his German heritage, he served in Canada as an interpreter.  When I discovered the Germans were the ones who had caused the slaughter of the Jewish people, I was ashamed of my German heritage, and thereafter, whenever I was asked my nationality (which seemed to be a common thing in those days) I would answer "Canadian".

Yesterday Israel celebrated its 63rd birthday in this day and age, but I know from God's word that Israel is an ancient land, the land to which the patriarch Abraham was called by God Himself.  Today Israel consists of just a portion of the land that God gave to Abraham on the day He made a covenant with him and said, "To your descendants I have given this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river Euphrates" (Gen. 15:18).

Today, in spite of Israel occupying only a small portion of the land God gave to Abraham, and in spite of the Arabs occupying the rest of the Middle East, it is apparent that they want it all, including the tiny strip which today is called Israel.  Consequently Israel has had to fight for her life again and again, through a series of wars, roadside bombings, and missile bombardments. 

With the threat of a 'Third Intifada' on the day of Israel's 63rd anniversary, a call had gone out to fast and pray for Israel.  Many believers heeded that call, Jew and Gentile, and God heard our prayers, because the 'intifada' resulted in far fewer deaths and casualties than could have taken place.  Praise be to God!  He is so faithful to hear and answer the cries of our hearts!

However, this does not mean we should cease praying!  God's word tells us to "Pray for the peace of Jerusalem" (Psalm 122:6).  This city of God is a hotbed of clashes and violence, a city divided, where the Temple Mount is in the hands of the Arabs, not the Jews.  Indeed, we need to continue to 'pray for the peace of Jerusalem'!