Sunday, May 22, 2011

The 'Unhappening' of May 21, 2011.

Yesterday was hailed by an extremely misguided soul as the date of the Rapture of 'true believers'.  The word 'rapture' isn't in the Bible, but it is understood as the term used when Jesus returns in the air, and believers who have died as well as those living will 'meet Him in the air' according to 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17.  However, the Bible also states that no one knows the day or the hour when this will take place.  In Matt. 24:36 Jesus says:  "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only."

To my way of thinking, setting dates and advertising it to the world merely provides unbelievers with fodder to 'prove' that Christianity is foolishness, which is very sad.  There are so many misguided souls in the world who don't believe that Jesus IS the Son of God, who would rather believe the lie of evolution than believe in the Creator of all things.  There are also those who believe that 'we are all gods' .... and that too is a lie of the enemy of our souls.  God is real;  satan is real.  And this enemy of our souls likes nothing better than when people believe his lies.

One thing I do know:  Jesus changed me.  I was a hopeless drunk, extremely unhappy, wanting to 'cease to exist'.  I cried out to God to help me, and Jesus spoke out loud to me, saying, "I am the way, the truth, and the life.  No one comes to the Father but by Me."  I believed Him, and He began working in me and in my life, changing me.  I have now been sober for over 31years; not only sober, but at peace.  I am a different person than I used to be.  Thanks be to God.

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