Sunday, November 6, 2011


Procrastination - the 'art' of putting off today that which can wait until tomorrow.  That's my definition, and unfortunately, I'm very good at it.  Sometimes things get put off indefinitely, in which case it either doesn't get done at all, or else I'm scrambling at the last minute to get it done!

I can sometimes come up with a lame-sounding excuse for not just doing a task:  I don't feel motivated at the moment;  I'm tired;  I don't feel creative ..... the list could probably go on.  However, in all honesty I have to admit it comes down to laziness, which is not a characteristic I'm at all proud of!

I have been procrastinating about blogging, simply because I don't know what I should write about most of the time.  How personal should I get?  Most of the things I am passionate about revolve around God's truth, especially with regard to Israel and the Church, and I confess I become frustrated when Christians look at me like I've gone off my rocker when I mention the Feasts or our Jewish roots, thanks to centuries of Replacement Theology, as well as Dual Covenant Theology.

My desk area needs an overhaul, and I've also been procrastinating about that.  Papers and books, slips of paper with 'notes to myself' ..... It would be wonderful to be highly organized at all times, but I'm ... NOT, unfortunately!  It would be wonderful to have a nice-sized office with enough shelves and filing cabinets for all my books and papers.  However, that isn't going to happen.  Instead, my 'office' is part of my bedroom, and I'm a big fan of books, which overflow my bookshelves.  I do have a filing cabinet, in which I do file my paid bills ..... but I also have all these little 'notes to myself' and interesting quotes I jot down on a slip of paper, to be added to my book of quotes at some point in the future, as well as sticky notes regarding upcoming appointments or someone's phone number stuck to the hutch of my desk.  How did I ever get a book written?  It boggles my mind!

I've been procrastinating all day about a card I was asked to make for a friend.  I made one a few days ago which turned out very well - in fact, I really liked it.  Maybe I'm just not feeling 'creative' today ....waiting till my 'creative juices' get flowing again .... or maybe I'm just procrastinating...... after all it doesn't have to be done until Tuesday!  I still have tomorrow!

I really admire people who can see what needs to be done, roll up their sleeves and jump right in!  Most of the time.  At other times all that energy I see just makes me tired, and I think, "Chill out;  take a break."

And at other times still .... I wish I had that energy and motivation I see in others.

Maybe tomorrow .......

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